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Book Reviews

 Book reviews listed Alphabetically by Author  

Available Book reviews listed alphabetically by author; if there is more that one author, there will be more than one entry.. Use [Ctrl]+[F] then search for all or part of the author's name, or use the DownlinkUplink links to browse.

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Number Author Title
810.1/36043 David Alexander The Building - A Biography of the Pentagon
583/35857 Peter Allen One More River - The Rhine Crossings of 1945
588/35869 Roy E Appleman Okinawa: The Last Battle
950/36029 Comp By: Max Arthur DAMBUSTERS - A Landmark Oral History
503.1/35746 Michael Asher The Regiment - The Real Story of the SAS The First Fifty Years
572/35847 Robert B Asprey The First Battle of the Marne
580.14/36036 Desmond Ball Aborigines In The Defence of Australia
472/36059 Desmond Ball Strategy & Defence - Australian Essays
472/36061 Ed: J O Langtry and Desmond Ball A Vulnerable Country?
718/35942 Vecihi and Hatice Hurmuz Basarin Beneath the Dardanelles - The Australian Submarine at Gallipoli
543.3/36034 Doug Beattie MC An Ordinary Soldier
580.14/36037 Joan Beaumont Under Suspicion: Citizenship and internment in Australia during the Second World War
830.5/35772 Jeremy Bernstein Nuclear Weapons - What You Need To Know
547/35990 Larry Bermann Perfect Spy - The incredible Double Life of Pham Xuan An
571.3/35936 Nicholas Best The Greatest Day In History - How the Great War Really Ended
580.16/35810 Ed: BRIG Shelford Bidwell Hitler's Generals and their Battles
714/35978 Geoffrey Blainey Sea of Dangers - Captain Cook and His Rivals
830/30645 David Horner, Peter Londey & Jean Bou Australian Peacekeeping - Sixty Years In The Field
503.2/35761 David Horner and Jean Bou Duty First - A History of the Royal Australian Regiment
451/35758 Nesreen Khashan and Jim Bowman Encounters with the Middle East
588/35820 Phillip Bradley The Battle for WAU New Guinea's Frontline 1942-1943
250/35678 David Branagan A Life - T W Edgeworth David
587/35993 Terry Brighton Masters of Battle - Monty, Patton and Rommel at War
432.1/36050 Carl Brinitzer and Berthe Grossbard German versus Hun
950/35742 Russell Brown Desert Warriors - Australian pilots at war in the Middle East and North Africa
503.2/35699 Martin J Buckley Scarlet and Tartan
432.1/35985 E. Amy Buller Darkness over Germany
710/35909 J. G. Bullocke Sailors' Rebellion - A Century of Naval Mutinies
432.1/36096 Hamilton T Burden The Nuremberg Party Rallies: 1923-1939
472/35759 Anthony Burke Fear of Security - Australia's invasion Anxiety
547/35989 R W Cable An Independent Command - Command and Control of the 1st Australian Task Force in Vietnam
901.2/35927 Neil Cadigan A Man Among Mavericks - Lester Brain: Australia's greatest Aviator
572/35749 Christy Campbell Band of Brigands - The First Men In Tanks
950/35879 Alan C Carey Consolidated-Vultee PB4Y-2 Privateer
583/36110 William Casey The Secret War Against Hitler
547/35700 Michael Caulfield The Vietnam Years - From the Jungle to the Australian Suburbs
580.3/35991 Michael Caulfield War Behind The Wire - Australian Prisoners of War
583/36111 Cavendish Nazi Europe
580.01/35762 Christopher Chant The Encyclopaedia of Codenames of World War II
432.3/36057 Colin Chapman August 21st The Rape of Czechoslovakia
432.1/35958 Andrei Cherny The Candy Bombers - The Untold Story of the Berlin Airlift and America's Finest Hour
580.01/35809 Basil Collier A Short History of the Second World War
547/36064 Mike Colman Payne VC - The story of Australia's most decorated soldier of the Vietnam War
740/35686 Commonwealth of Australia Australia Under Attack - Sydney and the Midget Submarines 1942
411.7/35984 Jennet Conant The Irregulars - Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington
432.1/36051 Brian Connell Watcher on the Rhine- A Report on the New Germany
432.1/36097 Matthew Cooper The German Army 1933 - 1945 Its Political and Military Failure
408/35895 David Cortright Peace - A History of Movements and Ideas
700/35907 A.G. Course Dictionary of Nautical Terms
580.12/35937 Terry Crowdy Deceiving Hitler - Double Cross and Deception in World War II
475/35715 S. Dando-Collins Captain Bligh's other Mutiny
547/35899 Bruce Davies The Battle at Ngok Tavak - A bloody defeat in South Vietnam, 1968
572/35900 Will Davies In the Footsteps of Private Lynch
813/35752 Brian Leigh Davis Badges and Insignia of the Third Reich 1933-1945
587/35768 Melton S Davis Who Defends Rome?
472/35960 David Day Andrew Fisher - Prime Minister of Australia
411.7/35897 Michael Dobbs One Minute To Midnight
580.16/36107 Hans Dollinger The Decline and Fall of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan
411.1/35957 Laura K Donohue The Cost of Counterterrorism - Power, Politics and Liberty
432.1/36052 Sir John K. Dunlop A Short History of Germany
740/35951 Trevor Nevitt Dupuy The Naval War In The West: The Wolf Packs
432.1/36053 Herman Eich The Unloved Germans
587/35769 John Ellis Cassino - The Hollow Victory
570.3/35844 Will Ellsworth-Jones We Will Not Fight
438.2/35803 R.E. Elson Suharto - A Political Biography
587/35818 Peter Ewer Forgotten ANZACS The Campaign in Greece, 1941
581/36013 David Faber Munich - 1938 Appeasement Crisis
575/35701 LT Mehmed Fasih Gallipoli 1915 - Bloody Ridge (Lone Pine) Diary of Lt Mehmed Fasih 5th Imperial Ottoman Army 1915
477/35697 John Fitzgerald Big White Lie - Chinese Australians in White Australia
702/35953 Ed: Andrew Forbes Sea Power: Challenges Old and New
702/35954 Ed: Andrew Forbes and Michelle Lovi Papers in Australian Maritime Affairs No 19
580.14/36011 Graham Freudenberg Churchill and Australia
432/360480 Saul Friedlander The Years of Extermination - Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939-1945
430/35735 Robert Gellately Lenin, Stalin and Hitler: The Age of Social Catastrophe
455/35987 Robin Gerster Travels in Atomic Sunshine
813/85687 MAJ Lawrence Gordon British Battles And Medals
587/35994 Ian Gooderson A Hard Way To Make War
411.1/35679 Al Gore The Assault on Reason
422/35706 Dominic Green Armies of God - Islam and Empire on the Nile, 1869-1899
570.3/35845 Graham Greenwell An Infant In Arms
503.2/35747 Jeffrey Grey A Military History of Australia
588/36040 Peter Grose An Awkward Truth - The bombing of Darwin February 1942
432.1/36050 Carl Brinitzer and Berthe Grossbard German versus Hun
950/35703 Rupert Guiness The Flying Grocer
411.7/35695 Gary Gumpl The Hitler Club - The Rise and Fall of Australia's Richard Kleinig No.1 Nazi
547/35729 Paul Ham Vietnam - The Australian War
575/35901 John Hamilton Gallipoli Sniper - The Life of Billy Sing
472/35839 Ian Hancock John Gorton - He did it his way
588/35864 Gerald Hanley Monsoon Victory
940/35928 Neil Hanson First Blitz - The secret German plan to raze London to the ground in 1918
583/35861 Gordon A Harrison Cross Channel Attack
588/35739 Max Hastings Nemesis - The Battle for Japan 1944-45
580.16/35850 Thomas R H Havens Valley of Darkness - The Japanese People and World War Two
472/35710 Barry Heard The View from Connor's Hill
454/35709 Emmanuel J Hevi The Dragon's Embrace - The Chinese Communists in Africa
718/36021 A A Hoehling The Great War At Sea - A History of Naval Action 1914-18
852/35829 Ian Hogg Twentieth-Century Artillery
/35926 Ian V Hogg The Illustrated History of Ammunition
587/35903 James Holland Italy's Sorrow - A year of war, 1944-45
588/35865 Linda Goetz Holmes 4,000 Bowls of Rice - A Prisoner of War Comes Home
580.01/35750 Richard Holmes The World At War
830/30645 David Horner, Peter Londey & Jean Bou Australian Peacekeeping - Sixty Years In The Field
503.2/35761 David Horner and Jean Bou Duty First - A History of the Royal Australian Regiment
950/35894 George Howells An Aircraftsman's Story - George Pierce Howells 1913-1994
580.16/36108 Edwin P. Hoyt Hitler's War
714/35912 Doug Hurst The Forgotten Few - 77 RAAF Squadron in Korea
503.1/35988 J R Hutchinson BA The Romance of a Regiment
740/35922 Elspeth Huxley Atlantic Ordeal - The Story of Mary Cornish
820/36115 Institute for Strategic Studies Problems of Modern Strategy - Studies in International Security
503.1/35805 Indian Government The Tiger Strikes
580.01/35732 Ashley Jackson The British Empire and the Second World War
930/35983 Ben R Rich & Leo Janos Skunk Works
950/35755 Alwyn Jay Endurance - A history of RAAF Aircrew Participation in Liberator Operations of RAF Costal Command 1941-1945
432.1/35934 Diarmuid Jeffreys Hell's Cartel
452/35680 Ann Jones Kabul In Winter - Life Without Peace In Afghanistan
813/35826 Clive Johnson Australians Awarded
580.2/36012 Mark Johnston The Proud 6th
472/35712 James Jupp Social Cohesion in Australia
451/35758 Nesreen Khashan and Jim Bowman Encounters with the Middle East
451/35707 Hugh Kennedy The Great Arab Conquests
580.01/35848 MAJGEN John Kennedy The Business Of War
950/35734 Alex Kershaw The Few - July-October 1940
570.14/35720 Jeff Kildea Anzacs and Ireland
940/35754 Peter Kilduff Red Baron - The life and Death of an Ace
950/35877 Colin M King Songs of the Beauforts - No 100 Squadron RAAF and Beaufort Bomber Ops
572/35966 Jonathan King The Western Front Diaries
570.14/35748 Terry Kinlock Devils on Horses
583/35766 Norman Kirby 1100 Miles with Monty
472/36060 Diane Kirkby Voices From The Ships - Australia's Seafarers and their Union
501.2/35728 Michael Korda IKE - An American Hero
408/35704 W. Langewiesche The Atomic Bazaar - The rise of the Nuclear poor
472/36061 Ed: J O Langtry and Desmond Ball A Vulnerable Country?
570.12/36102 Marina Larsson Shattered ANZACs
721/36088 Brian Lavery In Which They Served
570.01/35719 M Lawriwsky Hard Jacka - The Story of a Gallipoli Legend
940/35741 Ed: Mark Lax One Airman's War - Personal Diaries 1916-1919
588/35866 James Leasor The Marine from Mandalay
950/35756 Arthur Leebold Silent Victory
580.11/35763 Alec Le Vernoy No Drums No Trumpets
940/35929 Joshua Levine On A Wing and A Prayer
543.3/35964 Damien Lewis Apache Dawn - Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned
710/36015 Michael Lewis The Navy of Britain
501.1/35727 John Lewis-Stempeles The Autobiography of the British Soldier from Agincourt to Basra
411.1/35896 Brynjar Lia Architect of Global JIHAD
572/35736 Patrick Lindsay Fromelles
547/35683 Greg Lockhart The Minefield - An Australian Tragedy in Vietnam
830/30645 David Horner, Peter Londey & Jean Bou Australian Peacekeeping - Sixty Years In The Field
800/35981 Peter A. Lorge The Asian Military Revolution - From Gunpowder to the Bomb
717/35914 CDR Geoffrey Lowis Fabulous Admirals
810.1/36044 Robert Lowry The Armed Forces of Indonesia
543.3/35716 M Luttrell and P Robinson Lone Survivor - Lost heroes of Seal Team 10
437/36058 Walter B. Maass The Netherlands at War: 1940-1945
583/35860 Charles B MacDonald The Last Offensive
432/35802 Fitzroy Maclean Disputed Barricade
411.7/35835 Kristie Macrakis Seduced By Secrets - Inside the STASI's Spy-Tech World
714/35912 Geoffrey Marcus Quiberon Bay
588/36113 Roger Maynard Hell's Heroes: The Forgotten Story of the worst POW Camp in Japan
547/35718 Lex McAulay Blue Lanyard-Red Banner - Cu Chi Tunnels - The Untold Story
950/35743 Lex McAulay We Who Are About To Die - The Story of John Lerew - Hero of Rabaul 1942
587/35904 Dal McGuirk Rommel's Army in Africa
702/35955 Jack McCaffrie Positioning Navies for the Future
547/35730 Gary McKay Going Back - Australian Veterans return to Viet Nam
503.1/35962 Ian McPhedran Soldiers Without Borders
411.1/36030 Tamar Meisels The Trouble with Terror
950/35878 Martin Middlebrook The Battle of Hamburg-Allied Bomber forces against a German City in 1943
588/35870 John Miller Jr Guadalcanal: The first Offensive
545/36100 Intro: Allan R. Millett The Korean War (Vol I and II)
438.1/35882 Giles Milton Paradise Lost - Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of Islam's City of Tolerance
408/35880 Wilson D Miscamble From Roosevelt to Truman - Potsdam, Hiroshima, and the Cold War
537/35898 Major General Jim Molan Running The War In Iraq - An Australian General, 300,000 troops, the bloodiest conflict of our time
501.2/35745 Geoffrey Morlet Eyes Right
830.2/35724 John A Nagl Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife
584/35738 Andrew Nagorski The Greatest Battle - The Fight For Moscow 1941-42
472/35711 National Library of Australia Instructions for American Servicemen in 1942
444/36098 L. E. Neame The History of Apartheid
950/35725 Michael V Nelmes G-for-George - A Memorial to RAAF Bomber Crews 1939-45
750/35824 Rodney Nott & Noel Payne The Vung Tau Ferry (HMAS Sydney) and Escort Ships (Vietnam 1965-1972)
580.3/35721 Edmond Nyst The Old Fellow's War
537/35682 Patrick K O'Donnell Shoulder to Shoulder with the Marines who took Fallujah
551.3/35684 Sebastian O'Kelly Amedeo - The True Story of an Italian's War in Abyssinia
840/35831 Richard M. Ogorkiewicz Armour - The development of mechanised forces and their equipment
408/35932 James Orbinski An Imperfect Offering
570.12/36007 Edward Owen 1914 - Glory Departing
950/35834 Charles Page Wings of Destiny
200/35694 Alan Parkinson Maralinga - Australia's Nuclear Waste Cover-up
411.7/35705 Michael Patterson Voices of the Code Breakers
750/35824 Rodney Nott & Noel Payne The Vung Tau Ferry (HMAS Sydney) and Escort Ships (Vietnam 1965-1972)
443/35986 Terry Pickard Combat Medic - an Australian's eyewitness account of the Kibeho Massacre
572/35731 R Prior and T Wilson The Somme
472/35713 Lois Pembroke Children of The Anzacs
750/35823 Ian Pfennigwerth Tiger Territory - the Untold Story of the Royal Australian Navy in South East Asia from 1948 to 1971
750/36005 C E Lucas Phillips Escape of the Amethyst
830.2/35753 William R. Polk Violent Politics
715/36019 Kenneth Poolman Guns of Cape Ann
Q, R  
580.3/35722 Paul Rea Voices From The Fortress
432/35836 Anthony Read The World On Fire
432.1/35881 Douglas Reed The Prisoner of Ottawa: Otto Strosser
584/35992 Lawrence Rees World War Two - Behind Closed Doors Stalin, The Nazis and The West
570.14/35935 Peter Rees The Other ANZACS - Nurses at War, 1914-1918
710/36016 D R Rickard The Pen is Mightier
930/35983 Ben R Rich & Leo Janos Skunk Works
474/35760 Jonathan Richards The Secret War - A true history of Queensland's Native Police
543.3/35716 M Luttrell and P Robinson Lone Survivor - Lost heroes of Seal Team 10
740/36026 Terence Robertson Channel Dash
431.1/35775 Robin Rowland A River Kwai Story - The Sonkrai Tribunal
375/35808 Victor Rudenno Gallipoli - Attack from the Sea
452.1/35708 Tom Segev 1967 - Israel, the War and the Year that Transformed the Middle East
430/35800 James Sheehan The Monopoly of Violence
432/35801 A. J. Sherman Island Refuge
830.2/36116 Charles M Simpson III Inside The Green Berets - The First Thirty Years
573/35842 Sir John Smyth VC The Valliant
501.2/35840 Edith Ruth Sheppard Alexander The Great At War
546/36101 Alan H. Smith Gunners in Borneo - Artillery During Indonesian Confrontation 1962-66
588/35822 Kevin Smith Escapes and Incursions
740/35980 Kathryn Spurling Cruel Conflict - The triumph and tragedy of HMAS Perth
583/35737 David Stafford Endgame 1945 - Victory, Retribution, Liberation
588/35891 Peter Stanley Invading Australia - Japan and the Battle for Australia 1942
503.2/35804 Ross St. Claire Our Gift To The Empire - 54th Australian Infantry Battalion 1916-1919
702/35952 Ed: David Stevens and John Reeve Sea Power Ashore and In The Air
572/35965 Ed: Cameron Stewart A Very Unimportant Officer
810.6/35723 Craig A J Stockings The Torch and The Sword
503.2/36033 Craig A J  Stockings The Making and Breaking of the Post-Federation Australian Army, 1901-09
411.1/35933 Ron Suskind The Way Of The World
587/35733 Brian Taaffe The Gatekeepers of Galatas - The Untold Story
588/35685 Alex Tanner The Long Road North
950/35833 The Air Ministry The Battle of Britain - August-October 1940
501.1/36006 The Times Great Military Lives
433/35837 Edith Thomas The Women Incendiaries
588/35871 Chuck Thompson The 25 best World War II Sites - Pacific Theatre
574/36035 Mark Thompson The White War
588/35892 Peter Thompson Pacific Fury - How Australia and her Allies Defeated the Japanese Scourge
547/35717 Dang Thuy Tram Last Night I Dreamed of Peace
588/36041 John Toland But Not In Shame - The Six months after Pearl Harbor
581.1/36109 Arnold Toynbee The Eve of War 1939 - Survey of international Affairs 1939-1946
572/35780 Richard Travers Diggers In France - Australian Soldiers on The Western Front
581.3/35853 Willie Trebich The Broken Swastika
452.2/35776 Yaroslav Trofimov The Siege of Mecca - The Forgotten Uprising
583/35977 Peter Tsouras Disaster At D-Day - The Germans Defeat the Allies, June 1944
411.1/357440 Carl Ungerer (Ed) Australian Foreign Policy in the Age of Terror
950/35930 Michael Veitch Fly - True stories of courage and adventure of the airmen of World War II
433/35838 Paul Webster Petain's Crime
472/35696 Tim Weiner Legacy of Ashes - The history of the CIA
452.1/35726 Gina Wilkinson Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sky
572/35731 R Prior and T Wilson The Somme
891/35874 B T White Tanks and other Armoured Fighting Vehicles of World War II
950/35757 Giles Whittell Spitfire Women of World War II
903.92/35740 David J Wilson Seek and Strike - 75 Squadron RAAF 1942 - 2002
740/36004 Ed: John Winton Freedom's Battle
482/35961 Bob Woodward The War Within
726/35798 Peter Yule and Derek Woolner The Collins Class Submarine Story - Steel, Spies and Spin
588/35796 Pattie Wright The Men Of The Line
580.14/35938 Bob Wurth 1942 - Australia's greatest peril
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 Book reviews listed Alphabetically by Title

Available Book reviews listed Alphabetically by title. Use [Ctrl]+[F] then search for all or part of the title, or use the DownlinkUplink links to browse.

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Number Author Title
583/35766 Norman Kirby 1100 Miles with Monty
570.12/36007 Edward Owen 1914 - Glory Departing
580.14/35938 Bob Wurth 1942 - Australia's greatest peril
452.1/35708 Tom Segev 1967 - Israel, the War and the Year that Transformed the Middle East
588/35865 Linda Goetz Holmes 4,000 Bowls of Rice - A Prisoner of War Comes Home
580.14/36036 Desmond Ball Aborigines In The Defence of Australia
587/35994 Ian Gooderson A Hard Way To Make War
501.2/35840 Edith Ruth Sheppard Alexander The Great At War
901.2/35927 Neil Cadigan A Man Among Mavericks - Lester Brain: Australia's greatest Aviator
503.2/35747 Jeffrey Grey A Military History of Australia
588/36040 Peter Grose An Awkward Truth - The bombing of Darwin February 1942
543.3/36034 Doug Beattie MC An Ordinary Soldier
950/35894 George Howells An Aircraftsman's Story - George Pierce Howells 1913-1994
431.1/35775 Robin Rowland A River Kwai Story - The Sonkrai Tribunal
432.1/36052 Sir John K. Dunlop A Short History of Germany
580.01/35809 Basil Collier A Short History of the Second World War
551.3/35684 Sebastian O'Kelly Amedeo - The True Story of an Italian's War in Abyssinia
472/35960 David Day Andrew Fisher - Prime Minister of Australia
408/35932 James Orbinski An Imperfect Offering
547/35989 R W Cable An Independent Command - Command and Control of the 1st Australian Task Force in Vietnam
570.3/35845 Graham Greenwell An Infant In Arms
250/35678 David Branagan A Life - T W Edgeworth David
570.14/35720 Jeff Kildea Anzacs and Ireland
543.3/35964 Damien Lewis Apache Dawn - Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned
411.1/35896 Brynjar Lia Architect of Global JIHAD
422/35706 Dominic Green Armies of God - Islam and Empire on the Nile, 1869-1899
840/35831 Richard M. Ogorkiewicz Armour - The development of mechanised forces and their equipment
740/35922 Elspeth Huxley Atlantic Ordeal - The Story of Mary Cornish
432.3/36057 Colin Chapman August 21st The Rape of Czechoslovakia
740/35686 Commonwealth of Australia Australia Under Attack - Sydney and the Midget Submarines 1942
411.1/357440 Carl Ungerer (Ed) Australian Foreign Policy in the Age of Terror
813/35826 Clive Johnson Australians Awarded
572/35965 Ed: Cameron Stewart A Very Unimportant Officer
472/36061 Ed: J O Langtry and Desmond Ball A Vulnerable Country?
813/35752 Brian Leigh Davis Badges and Insignia of the Third Reich 1933-1945
572/35749 Christy Campbell Band of Brigands - The First Men In Tanks
718/35942 Vecihi and Hatice Hurmuz Basarin Beneath the Dardanelles - The Australian Submarine at Gallipoli
452.1/35726 Gina Wilkinson Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sky
477/35697 John Fitzgerald Big White Lie - Chinese Australians in White Australia
547/35718 Lex McAulay Blue Lanyard-Red Banner - Cu Chi Tunnels - The Untold Story
813/85687 MAJ Lawrence Gordon British Battles And Medals
588/36041 John Toland But Not In Shame - The Six months after Pearl Harbor
475/35715 S. Dando-Collins Captain Bligh's other Mutiny
587/35769 John Ellis Cassino - The Hollow Victory
740/36026 Terence Robertson Channel Dash
472/35713 Lois Pembroke Children of The Anzacs
580.14/36011 Graham Freudenberg Churchill and Australia
443/35986 Terry Pickard Combat Medic - an Australian's eyewitness account of the Kibeho Massacre
950/35879 Alan C Carey Consolidated-Vultee PB4Y-2 Privateer
583/35861 Gordon A Harrison Cross Channel Attack
740/35980 Kathryn Spurling Cruel Conflict - The triumph and tragedy of HMAS Perth
950/36029 Comp By: Max Arthur DAMBUSTERS - A Landmark Oral History
432.1/35985 E. Amy Buller Darkness over Germany
580.12/35937 Terry Crowdy Deceiving Hitler - Double Cross and Deception in World War II
950/35742 Russell Brown Desert Warriors - Australian pilots at war in the Middle East and North Africa
570.14/35748 Terry Kinlock Devils on Horses
700/35907 A.G. Course Dictionary of Nautical Terms
572/35780 Richard Travers Diggers In France - Australian Soldiers on The Western Front
583/35977 Peter Tsouras Disaster At D-Day - The Germans Defeat the Allies, June 1944
432/35802 Fitzroy Maclean Disputed Barricade
503.2/35761 David Horner and Jean Bou Duty First - A History of the Royal Australian Regiment
451/35758 Nesreen Khashan and Jim Bowman Encounters with the Middle East
583/35737 David Stafford Endgame 1945 - Victory, Retribution, Liberation
950/35755 Alwyn Jay Endurance - A history of RAAF Aircrew Participation in Liberator Operations of RAF Costal Command 1941-1945
588/35822 Kevin Smith Escapes and Incursions
750/36005 C E Lucas Phillips Escape of the Amethyst
501.2/35745 Geoffrey Morlet Eyes Right
717/35914 CDR Geoffrey Lowis Fabulous Admirals
472/35759 Anthony Burke Fear of Security - Australia's invasion Anxiety
940/35928 Neil Hanson First Blitz - The secret German plan to raze London to the ground in 1918
950/35930 Michael Veitch Fly - True stories of courage and adventure of the airmen of World War II
587/35818 Peter Ewer Forgotten ANZACS The Campaign in Greece, 1941
740/36004 Ed: John Winton Freedom's Battle
572/35736 Patrick Lindsay Fromelles
408/35880 Wilson D Miscamble From Roosevelt to Truman - Potsdam, Hiroshima, and the Cold War
950/35725 Michael V Nelmes G-for-George - A Memorial to RAAF Bomber Crews 1939-45
375/35808 Victor Rudenno Gallipoli - Attack from the Sea
575/35701 LT Mehmed Fasih Gallipoli 1915 - Bloody Ridge (Lone Pine) Diary of Lt Mehmed Fasih 5th Imperial Ottoman Army 1915
575/35901 John Hamilton Gallipoli Sniper - The Life of Billy Sing
432.1/36050 Carl Brinitzer and Berthe Grossbard German versus Hun
547/35730 Gary McKay Going Back - Australian Veterans return to Viet Nam
501.1/36006 The Times Great Military Lives
588/35870 John Miller Jr Guadalcanal: The first Offensive
546/36101 Alan H. Smith Gunners in Borneo - Artillery During Indonesian Confrontation 1962-66
715/36019 Kenneth Poolman Guns of Cape Ann
570.01/35719 M Lawriwsky Hard Jacka - The Story of a Gallipoli Legend
432.1/35934 Diarmuid Jeffreys Hell's Cartel
588/36113 Roger Maynard Hell's Heroes: The Forgotten Story of the worst POW Camp in Japan
580.16/35810 Ed: BRIG Shelford Bidwell Hitler's Generals and their Battles
580.16/36108 Edwin P. Hoyt Hitler's War
501.2/35728 Michael Korda IKE - An American Hero
830.2/36116 Charles M Simpson III Inside The Green Berets - The First Thirty Years
572/35900 Will Davies In the Footsteps of Private Lynch
472/35711 National Library of Australia Instructions for American Servicemen in 1942
588/35891 Peter Stanley Invading Australia - Japan and the Battle for Australia 1942
721/36088 Brian Lavery In Which They Served
432/35801 A. J. Sherman Island Refuge
587/35903 James Holland Italy's Sorrow - A year of war, 1944-45
472/35839 Ian Hancock John Gorton - He did it his way
452/35680 Ann Jones Kabul In Winter - Life Without Peace In Afghanistan
547/35717 Dang Thuy Tram Last Night I Dreamed of Peace
830.2/35724 John A Nagl Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife
430/35735 Robert Gellately Lenin, Stalin and Hitler: The Age of Social Catastrophe
472/35696 Tim Weiner Legacy of Ashes - The history of the CIA
543.3/35716 M Luttrell and P Robinson Lone Survivor - Lost heroes of Seal Team 10
200/35694 Alan Parkinson Maralinga - Australia's Nuclear Waste Cover-up
587/35993 Terry Brighton Masters of Battle - Monty, Patton and Rommel at War
588/35864 Gerald Hanley Monsoon Victory
581/36013 David Faber Munich - 1938 Appeasement Crisis
583/36111 Cavendish Nazi Europe
588/35739 Max Hastings Nemesis - The Battle for Japan 1944-45
580.11/35763 Alec Le Vernoy No Drums No Trumpets
830.5/35772 Jeremy Bernstein Nuclear Weapons - What You Need To Know
588/35869 Roy E Appleman Okinawa: The Last Battle
940/35929 Joshua Levine On A Wing and A Prayer
940/35741 Ed: Mark Lax One Airman's War - Personal Diaries 1916-1919
411.7/35897 Michael Dobbs One Minute To Midnight
583/35857 Peter Allen One More River - The Rhine Crossings of 1945
503.2/35804 Ross St. Claire Our Gift To The Empire - 54th Australian Infantry Battalion 1916-1919
588/35892 Peter Thompson Pacific Fury - How Australia and her Allies Defeated the Japanese Scourge
702/35954 Ed: Andrew Forbes and Michelle Lovi Papers in Australian Maritime Affairs No 19
438.1/35882 Giles Milton Paradise Lost - Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of Islam's City of Tolerance
547/36064 Mike Colman Payne VC - The story of Australia's most decorated soldier of the Vietnam War
408/35895 David Cortright Peace - A History of Movements and Ideas
547/35990 Larry Bermann Perfect Spy - The incredible Double Life of Pham Xuan An
433/35838 Paul Webster Petain's Crime
702/35955 Jack McCaffrie Positioning Navies for the Future
820/36115 Institute for Strategic Studies Problems of Modern Strategy - Studies in International Security
714/35912 Geoffrey Marcus Quiberon Bay
940/35754 Peter Kilduff Red Baron - The life and Death of an Ace
587/35904 Dal McGuirk Rommel's Army in Africa
537/35898 Major General Jim Molan Running The War In Iraq - An Australian General, 300,000 troops, the bloodiest conflict of our time
710/35909 J. G. Bullocke Sailors' Rebellion - A Century of Naval Mutinies
503.2/35699 Martin J Buckley Scarlet and Tartan
714/35978 Geoffrey Blainey Sea of Dangers - Captain Cook and His Rivals
702/35952 Ed: David Stevens and John Reeve Sea Power Ashore and In The Air
702/35953 Ed: Andrew Forbes Sea Power: Challenges Old and New
411.7/35835 Kristie Macrakis Seduced By Secrets - Inside the STASI's Spy-Tech World
903.92/35740 David J Wilson Seek and Strike - 75 Squadron RAAF 1942 - 2002
570.12/36102 Marina Larsson Shattered ANZACs
537/35682 Patrick K O'Donnell Shoulder to Shoulder with the Marines who took Fallujah
950/35756 Arthur Leebold Silent Victory
930/35983 Ben R Rich & Leo Janos Skunk Works
472/35712 James Jupp Social Cohesion in Australia
503.1/35962 Ian McPhedran Soldiers Without Borders
950/35877 Colin M King Songs of the Beauforts - No 100 Squadron RAAF and Beaufort Bomber Ops
950/35757 Giles Whittell Spitfire Women of World War II
472/36059 Desmond Ball Strategy & Defence - Australian Essays
438.2/35803 R.E. Elson Suharto - A Political Biography
891/35874 B T White Tanks and other Armoured Fighting Vehicles of World War II
588/35871 Chuck Thompson The 25 best World War II Sites - Pacific Theatre
810.1/36044 Robert Lowry The Armed Forces of Indonesia
800/35981 Peter A. Lorge The Asian Military Revolution - From Gunpowder to the Bomb
411.1/35679 Al Gore The Assault on Reason
408/35704 W. Langewiesche The Atomic Bazaar - The rise of the Nuclear poor
501.1/35727 John Lewis-Stempeles The Autobiography of the British Soldier from Agincourt to Basra
547/35899 Bruce Davies The Battle at Ngok Tavak - A bloody defeat in South Vietnam, 1968
588/35820 Phillip Bradley The Battle for WAU New Guinea's Frontline 1942-1943
950/35833 The Air Ministry The Battle of Britain - August-October 1940
950/35878 Martin Middlebrook The Battle of Hamburg-Allied Bomber forces against a German City in 1943
580.01/35732 Ashley Jackson The British Empire and the Second World War
581.3/35853 Willie Trebich The Broken Swastika
810.1/36043 David Alexander The Building - A Biography of the Pentagon
580.01/35848 MAJGEN John Kennedy The Business Of War
432.1/35958 Andrei Cherny The Candy Bombers - The Untold Story of the Berlin Airlift and America's Finest Hour
726/35798 Peter Yule and Derek Woolner The Collins Class Submarine Story - Steel, Spies and Spin
411.1/35957 Laura K Donohue The Cost of Counterterrorism - Power, Politics and Liberty
580.16/36107 Hans Dollinger The Decline and Fall of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan
454/35709 Emmanuel J Hevi The Dragon's Embrace - The Chinese Communists in Africa
580.01/35762 Christopher Chant The Encyclopaedia of Codenames of World War II
581.1/36109 Arnold Toynbee The Eve of War 1939 - Survey of international Affairs 1939-1946
950/35734 Alex Kershaw The Few - July-October 1940
572/35847 Robert B Asprey The First Battle of the Marne
950/35703 Rupert Guiness The Flying Grocer
714/35912 Doug Hurst The Forgotten Few - 77 RAAF Squadron in Korea
587/35733 Brian Taaffe The Gatekeepers of Galatas - The Untold Story
432.1/36097 Matthew Cooper The German Army 1933 - 1945 Its Political and Military Failure
451/35707 Hugh Kennedy The Great Arab Conquests
718/36021 A A Hoehling The Great War At Sea - A History of Naval Action 1914-18
584/35738 Andrew Nagorski The Greatest Battle - The Fight For Moscow 1941-42
571.3/35936 Nicholas Best The Greatest Day In History - How the Great War Really Ended
444/36098 L. E. Neame The History of Apartheid
411.7/35695 Gary Gumpl The Hitler Club - The Rise and Fall of Australia's Richard Kleinig No.1 Nazi
/35926 Ian V Hogg The Illustrated History of Ammunition
411.7/35984 Jennet Conant The Irregulars - Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington
545/36100 Intro: Allan R. Millett The Korean War (Vol I and II)
583/35860 Charles B MacDonald The Last Offensive
588/35685 Alex Tanner The Long Road North
740/35951 Trevor Nevitt Dupuy The Naval War In The West: The Wolf Packs
503.2/36033 Craig A J  Stockings The Making and Breaking of the Post-Federation Australian Army, 1901-09
588/35866 James Leasor The Marine from Mandalay
588/35796 Pattie Wright The Men Of The Line
547/35683 Greg Lockhart The Minefield - An Australian Tragedy in Vietnam
430/35800 James Sheehan The Monopoly of Violence
710/36015 Michael Lewis The Navy of Britain
437/36058 Walter B. Maass The Netherlands at War: 1940-1945
432.1/36096 Hamilton T Burden The Nuremberg Party Rallies: 1923-1939
580.3/35721 Edmond Nyst The Old Fellow's War
570.14/35935 Peter Rees The Other ANZACS - Nurses at War, 1914-1918
710/36016 D R Rickard The Pen is Mightier
432.1/35881 Douglas Reed The Prisoner of Ottawa: Otto Strosser
580.2/36012 Mark Johnston The Proud 6th
503.1/35746 Michael Asher The Regiment - The Real Story of the SAS The First Fifty Years
503.1/35988 J R Hutchinson BA The Romance of a Regiment
583/36110 William Casey The Secret War Against Hitler
474/35760 Jonathan Richards The Secret War - A true history of Queensland's Native Police
452.2/35776 Yaroslav Trofimov The Siege of Mecca - The Forgotten Uprising
572/35731 R Prior and T Wilson The Somme
503.1/35805 Indian Government The Tiger Strikes
810.6/35723 Craig A J Stockings The Torch and The Sword
432.1/36053 Herman Eich The Unloved Germans
573/35842 Sir John Smyth VC The Valliant
411.1/36030 Tamar Meisels The Trouble with Terror
547/35700 Michael Caulfield The Vietnam Years - From the Jungle to the Australian Suburbs
472/35710 Barry Heard The View from Connor's Hill
750/35824 Rodney Nott & Noel Payne The Vung Tau Ferry (HMAS Sydney) and Escort Ships (Vietnam 1965-1972)
482/35961 Bob Woodward The War Within
411.1/35933 Ron Suskind The Way Of The World
572/35966 Jonathan King The Western Front Diaries
574/36035 Mark Thompson The White War
433/35837 Edith Thomas The Women Incendiaries
580.01/35750 Richard Holmes The World At War
432/35836 Anthony Read The World On Fire
432/360480 Saul Friedlander The Years of Extermination - Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939-1945
750/35823 Ian Pfennigwerth Tiger Territory - the Untold Story of the Royal Australian Navy in South East Asia from 1948 to 1971
455/35987 Robin Gerster Travels in Atomic Sunshine
852/35829 Ian Hogg Twentieth-Century Artillery
580.14/36037 Joan Beaumont Under Suspicion: Citizenship and internment in Australia during the Second World War
580.16/35850 Thomas R H Havens Valley of Darkness - The Japanese People and World War Two
547/35729 Paul Ham Vietnam - The Australian War
830.2/35753 William R. Polk Violent Politics
580.3/35722 Paul Rea Voices From The Fortress
472/36060 Diane Kirkby Voices From The Ships - Australia's Seafarers and their Union
411.7/35705 Michael Patterson Voices of the Code Breakers
580.3/35991 Michael Caulfield War Behind The Wire - Australian Prisoners of War
432.1/36051 Brian Connell Watcher on the Rhine- A Report on the New Germany
950/35743 Lex McAulay We Who Are About To Die - The Story of John Lerew - Hero of Rabaul 1942
570.3/35844 Will Ellsworth-Jones We Will Not Fight
587/35768 Melton S Davis Who Defends Rome?
950/35834 Charles Page Wings of Destiny
584/35992 Lawrence Rees World War Two - Behind Closed Doors Stalin, The Nazis and The West
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